Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mitchell's Spring Formal

Every Tuesday after school for most of this year Mitchell has been attending "Perfectly Polished", which is a class that teaches good etiquette and social skills (including several different dances). Tonight was the big Spring Formal that ends the class year. It was held at Stegeman Coliseum on UGA's campus, and the floor was filled with students from all over Athens with ages ranging from 5th grade to 12th grade. The dances were interesting to watch and we loved looking at all of the beautiful dresses that the girls wore! Mitchell had to escort one girl in to the dance, then he danced each dance with a different girl (with the exception of the line dances where everyone danced in lines). He did a Waltz, Fox Trot and Shag and three different line dances... he did really well!! The highlight of my evening was getting to dance with Mitchell during the Mother/Son dance at the end... what fun! The highlight of Mitchell's evening was going to get ice cream with everyone after the dance was over... he is a boy after all!

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