Monday, November 19, 2007

Soccer season comes to an end!

Mitchell and Amelia both had a great time with their soccer teams this year. Amelia's U10 team had the best record of all the teams in their age group... too bad they don't do tournament rounds until they are older! Mitchell's team didn't have the top record but they played very well and had a great time... he had one of the most supportive teams ever, always cheering each other on. Both teams had their end of season parties on the same day, so we ate very well that Saturday (doughnuts and chocolate milk for Amelia's mid morning party and pizza and cake for Mitchell's afternoon party... yum!). Their trophies are now proudly displayed to remind us all of a great season.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Happy Halloween!

We all had a fun Halloween this year. Mitchell dressed up like a weird 70's dude and Amelia went as a devil (a very flashy one!). Between the festival at church and trick or treating in the neighborhood we ended up with LOTS of candy!!