Thursday, March 20, 2008

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is always a great day at our church! The children sing at the service... it is always such a treat to hear their sweet voices singing together! And Amelia sang her first solo! It was so great... she has a beautiful voice! Another wonderful sight is to see all of the children entering the church waving their palm branches... it really reminds me of my own childhood at church on Palm Sunday. And after the service all of the children and their families gather together to go on a Easter Egg hunt... the kids really look forward to this! It's kind of like Halloween again with the amount of candy that they bring home! The hunt is followed by a delicious covered dish lunch (you know that you are guaranteed a great meal at any church covered dish lunch!!). All in all it was a beautiful day that we all enjoyed very much... and the start to a very beautiful and meaningful week for all!!

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