Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Tiger Reunion!

As you can see we are playing catch-up with our posts... we had a wonderful stomach bug hit Mitchell and Amelia on Monday and are finally fully recovered!

This past weekend our good friend Martha, from the good old college days, organized a reunion of several of our friends and their families. With all of our busy schedules, we were pretty amazed to have gotten 9 friends together to share some time! We started out the weekend on Friday night at Neil's house (thanks, Burtons, for hosting all of us for the evening... especially you Denise!) with a sort of appetizer/pizza party. We had such a great time catching up with each other after all of these years... and our kids had a blast playing together! The kids entertained themselves outside for most of the night, so the adults really got a chance to visit. We ended up staying there until about 11pm! Then on Saturday we went to the Clemson baseball game... how fun! We were lucky and it didn't start to rain until near the end of the game. From there we headed to Neil's church gym to play and eat (sort of an indoor tailgate party!). It was neat hearing about what was going on in each of our lives, and to see our children play together. We had so much fun that we are already planning our next reunion for football season!

Go Tigers!!!

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