Thursday, March 6, 2008

Operation INASMUCH

Well, as you can see we have been a pretty busy family lately! I will try to catch you up a little at a time with what has been going on with us... starting with this past weekend. Saturday morning our whole family was involved in a project called "Operation INASMUCH" at our church. Basically it is several different mission projects going on locally at the same time. Although I don't have pictures of the project that Amelia and I did, we had a very fun and rewarding morning! We and the rest of our group went around to several different laundromats in Athens and passed out quarters and food (biscuits and doughnuts) to the people doing their laundry there. Boy were they surprised... and VERY appreciative!! Hopefully we brightened their day a little. My Daddy, Dave and Mitchell did a Habitat for Humanity project in Athens. Mitchell was thrilled to get to help with this project (even thought officially he is too young). They worked very hard on the house and got a lot done! Some family will be very blessed to receive that home... it was built with a lot of love! This was the second year of this church- wide project, and we hope that we can continue it for a long time!

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