Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spring Break!

Spring Break, 2008 was lots of fun for all of us! We stayed in town for the first few days and relaxed, played two rounds of golf with Mitchell and my Daddy (and yes, Mitchell did beat me on the first round!), and got ready for our trip. On Tuesday we left for Gatlinburg, TN with our good friends Michael, Lydia, Madeline and Candler. We stayed in a really fun three bedroom condo that had a cool indoor water park! This was perfect especially since the weather didn't always cooperate with us! We had a blast doing several activities in Gatlinburg... go carts, water slides, chair lifts to amazing views, the Upside Down House (lots of fun things to do in there!), laser tag, the Comedy Barn... and of course some shopping for me and Lydia! And who can forget all of the great food (great restaurants at night and great junk food during the day such as foot long corn dogs and funnel cakes!)... and thanks to Michael we had Starbucks every morning!! We were also lucky that Dave was able to join us on Wednesday for the rest of the vacation (he doesn't usually get to spend much of Spring break with us)! We were all able to have some great quality family time... and great friend time, also! Only seven more weeks until summer vacation!

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