Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Beach Weekend, part 3

One of the kids' favorite things to do at the beach is to ride on their boogie boards in the ocean... they did this for literally HOURS while Angie and I looked on from our comfy beach chairs! We did join them at times for a few good rides on the biggest waves!! One night Angie took our kids down our memory lane... way back to our childhood memories! We drove down Ocean Blvd., passing by many of our familiar landmarks on the way, until we reached The Sea Captain's House for dinner. The funny thing is, Angie and I both used to eat dinner here with our families when we were little girls and have distinct memories of sitting in that restaurant with our parents and grandparents! The food is still great!! A perfect addition to our wonderful weekend!!

Beach Weekend, part 2

Amelia and Isabella had so much fun together on our trip... they always do when they are together... true best friends!!

Long Beach Weekend!

On Mitchell's actual 13th birthday day we loaded up the car and headed to Myrtle Beach for a long weekend with his best friend, Reese! I took Mitchell, Amelia, and Isabella, and we met Angie and Reese at my parents' camper at Lakewood Camping Resort in MB... a bff weekend! We had perfect weather and spent most of the day in our bathing suits either on the beach, by the pool, riding our bikes, or just playing. We ate good food, stayed up late, slept in, and just enjoyed spending time with our best friends... a GREAT weekend!

Lucky 13!!

For Mitchell's 13th birthday party with friends he wanted to have a "Minute To Win It" party... it was a blast!! We set up about 20 games in our basement for them to compete in... 10 for everyone to play, and 10 in which one player was eliminated until there was one winner. All of the kids had SO MUCH fun with these crazy games, and were exhausted after they were done. They went upstairs, re-fueled on a DQ ice cream cake, and let Mitchell open presents. Mitchell LOVED his party!!

Saving the Blue Whales!

Amelia is quite the little entrepreneur and is always looking for a way to help others... so when her friend Claire read that the blue whales were becoming extinct, they came up with a plan to raise money to help save them. They organized a car wash, lemonade stand, and ice cream sundae table to raise money for their cause. They enlisted the help of me, Dave, Mitchell, Emily, and Trinity to keep things running on this hot Saturday morning! The neighbors of Calls Creek (and some from outside the neighborhood!) really came through for them, and after the morning was done they had raised about $140! Amelia and Claire sent $100 to the Save the Blue Whales organization and used the rest to buy food for the local animal shelter... we are so proud of them and their hard work!

A Worthy Cause!!

Dave and I attended the first annual "Cocktails for Cancer" that was hosted by Camp Sunshine... a really fun night!! Several mixologists were there making their special cocktails, and we all got to vote on our favorite... yum! The most fun was getting to see our CS friends for a fun night... we even got to meet Anoop Desai from American Idol there! A worthy cause... raising money for children with cancer!