Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Day... Christ Has Risen!!

We woke up to another beautiful day on Easter! Mitchell and Amelia couldn't wait to see what the Easter bunny had brought them so they checked out their baskets first thing! Then we treated them to cinnamon rolls shaped like bunnies and crosses for breakfast... they loved that! Then we all got our Easter clothes on and went to church. The service was beautiful, and afterwards we got to place flowers on the cross outside in front of our church... it looked really pretty! We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing and working on Mitchell's school project (yea!... he finished it!). Then we had a wonderful dinner at Mama and Daddy's house to end the great day. Only 4 more days of school before spring break!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures! You all looked so nice for Easter and I love the cross you all put flowers on. I remember us always doing that at FBCD. Love the cinnabunnies too!!!