Friday, October 29, 2010

Fiona Frost!

Our church has been doing some special events with our 5th/6th graders this year to make that transition time (between children's dept. and youth) more fun for them. Their first event was an overnight campout... fun! The second event was a mystery dinner called "Fiona Frost"... I highly recommend it for any group of kids around this age! All of the kids came dressed in their "character" and remained in character all night. The setting is an abandoned mansion (aka, the Graves' home) where the Golden Grove Forensic Science Club has gathered together to help the police solve the mystery of the stolen treasure map... and one of the club members did it! The evening involved lots of clues, scavenger hunts, and a special menu for dinner. My friend, Molli, and I were the servers for the evening... don't we look fab? The kids had a blast!

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