Sunday, May 4, 2008

Children's Worship Sunday!

Today was a special day at church... the children (ages 5-11) took over the service and did everything! They have been working so hard preparing for this day and it showed! Amelia read some scripture, sang and took up offering. Mitchell did part of the sermon time, sang and took up offering also. The theme of the service was "My family, my church". The four children (including Mitchell) who did parts of the sermon time were supposed to speak on what family was to them and why the church was special to them. Out of the same theme came very different speeches, all very touching. One of the common things said, though, was how much their church friends meant to them... it's good knowing that Mitchell and Amelia will be with a wonderful group of children all the way through youth! Another very special thing that happened today was that Mama and Daddy joined our church! They moved to Watkinsville about 2 1/2 months ago and had been visiting our church for a while. We are all so happy that they decided to become members! How especially wonderful for Mitchell and Amelia to share their church experience with their Grandparents!

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