Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween weekend!

Halloween weekend for me started out with a day at Six Flags... I had been promising Mitchell all summer that I would take him, but with busy schedules followed by temperatures of 100 degrees we never made it. So a few days ago I decided that it would be fun to go during their "Fright Fest" time... we had a blast! We rode all of the BIG roller coasters as well as other rides and got to meet some cool zombie monsters... but the best part of the day was just getting wonderful quality time alone with Mitchell!! Halloween night we had several of the kid's friends over for dinner and trick or treating (no... they haven't outgrown that yet!). We fed them dinner then sent them on their way into the neighborhood to have some fun! It was kind of nice letting them go while we stayed home and relaxed with the other parents! They all came home with full bags... which I'm sure are all being dug through by parents with a sweet tooth! Fun times!